Isaac hindi certification test oneforma | 15 Questions | #isaac #certification #hindi #oneforma


ONEFORMA | 15 Questions |

1. Which of the following strings is correctly written in your language? 

A) सी-5, मुख्य सड़क, पांडव नगर, दिल्ली-110092 

B) C-5, मेन रोड, पांडव नगर, दिल्ली-110092 

C) सी-पांच, प्रधान सड़क, पांडव नगर, दिल्ली-110092 

D) सी-५, मेन रोड, पांडव नगर, दिल्ली-110092 

2. Which of the following strings is correctly written in your language?

A) सुबह छः बजे का अलार्म सेट करें 

B) 6 बजे सुबह का अलार्म सेट करें 

C) सुबह 6 बजे का अलार्म सेट करें 

D) छः बजे का अलार्म सेट करें

3. "preITN" contains a formatting issue that has been fixed in the "Suggested correction" text. What should I do? 

A) I leave the string as is 

B) I mark the "nonsense" checkbox 

C) I copy the "preITN" string into "Your possible correction" and submit the string 

D) I mark the "wrong language" checkbox

4. If the meaning of a sentence is somehow understandable, but the string has repeated words and a grammar mistake. What shall I do? 

A) I fix the text and make it understandable 

B) I mark the "wrong language" checkbox 

C) I mark the "nonsense" checkbox 

D) I do not delete the repeated word and leave the rest as is

5. If I am performing the task in German and I find a sentence partially written in English. What shall I do?

A)I mark the "nonsense" checkbox 

B)I leave the string as is 

C)I fix the text and translate the English text into German 

D)I mark the "wrong language" checkbox

6. Which of the following strings is correctly written in your language?

A)मेरा जन्मदिन दिसंबर 15, 2005 है 

B)मेरा जन्मदिन दिसंबर पंद्रह, दो हज़ार पांच है 

C)मेरा जन्मदिन पंद्रह दिसंबर दो हज़ार पांच है

D)मेरा जन्मदिन दिसंबर 15, 2005 है

7. I find a grammar error in a string for this task. What shall I do? 

A) I mark the "wrong language" checkbox 

B) I leave the string as is 

C) I fix the grammar error 

D) I mark the "nonsense" checkbox

8.Which of the following strings is correctly written in your language?

A) दस % 

B) 10 पर्सेंट 

C) %10 

D) 10%

9. I find a typo in a string for this task. What shall I do?

A)I fix the typo 

B)I leave the string as is 

C)I mark the "wrong language" checkbox 

D)I mark the "nonsense" checkbox

10. If I am performing the task in German and I find a sentence partially written in English. What shall I do?

A)I mark the "nonsense" checkbox 

B)I leave the string as is 

C)I fix the text and translate the English text into German 

D)I mark the "wrong language" checkbox

11. Which of the following strings is correctly written in your language?

A)45.7 लाख रूपये 

B)पैंतालीस दशमलव सात लाख रूपए 

C)₹45.7 लाख 


12. If the meaning of a sentence is impossible to understand. What shall I do? 

A) I mark the "nonsense" checkbox 

B) I leave the string as is 

C) I fix the text and make it understandable 

D) I mark the "wrong language" checkbox

13. Which of the following strings is correctly written in your language?

 A) पांच a.m. का अलार्म सेट करें 

B) 5 AM का अलार्म सेट करें 

C) 5 a.m. का अलार्म सेट करें

D) 5 ए.एम. का अलार्म सेट करें

14. I find a formatting error in a string for this task. What shall I do? 

A) I leave the string as is 

B) I mark the "nonsense" checkbox  

C) I fix the formatting error 

D) I mark the "wrong language" checkbox

15. Which of the following strings is correctly written in your language? 

A)50 ₹ 



D)पचास रूपये

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