MilkyWay Part 1 Answers


One Forma Project
   Milky Way Part 1 Answers 

Project Introduction (Only For Education Purpose)

Welcome to the Maps Search Evaluation. 

How to score the Maps Search results using the evaluation tool.
A search query and the outcomes that Maps users receive are displayed to you for each activity. These are the tasks objectives:

There should be a separate assessment and rating for each rating drop-down. No matter if a result is closed, nonexistent, or contains incorrect Name, Address, or Pin information, you should still score how well it meets your search criteria. If you are rating Search Relevance, stop right here. 

as soon as you

Following your evaluation of Search 2.0, you will score Name Accuracy, Address Accuracy, and Pin Accuracy independently.

Each rating drop-down 

should be evaluated and rated independently of the others. Rate the relevance of a result depending on whether it matches the query intent, even if the result is closed, does not exist, or contains inaccurate Name, Address, or Pin data. If you're rating Search Relevance, you'll come to an end here and you have to rate the accuracy of Name, Address and Pin Individually and separately.

Research Expectation

Research will help you to understand the user’s query and their intent:
• Use a search engine to investigate and understand the query of intent.
• Use official resources like businesses, official websites, national postal service websites, and
government websites whenever possible
• Use your own local and logical knowledge.
• Use the information provided in the rating interface.

Maps Evaluation Project is Going On... So due to some issue we can't reveal the answer publicly so here is the video link...

Explicit Location

When there is an explicit location mentioned in the query, you can ignore the user and viewport
locations. The user has told you exactly where they want to find results. If the query contains words
like “near me” or “nearest,” the user’s location, not the viewport location, should be considered the
explicit location intent.

Please Watch Video Before click On Button 

Address-Result Connection

When a query address and a result address are not exactly the same, the kind of connection they
have depends on their relationship:

• Street number is the same in both query and result but the unit number is different or missing:

• If neither address is a street extension, rate result relevance Good when:

▪ The query contains a unit number and the result does not.

▪ The result contains a unit number and the query does not.

▪ The query contains one unit number and the result contains another.

• The query is full address including street number and name and the result is the street name

• Since this result is an unlikely secondary intent, rate relevance as Acceptable.

• Query is for a street [Main Street, Pleasanton, CA] result is just the locality (Pleasanton, CA).

• Rate the result relevance Bad as it does not satisfy the user intent.



Satisfying User Intent

The user’s intent can be determined by considering the query, the user’s location/viewport, and your
local knowledge. Sometimes queries are ambiguous or can have multiple interpretations.
In order to determine a query’s primary and secondary intent, look at the relationship between the
query and the result.

 Ask yourself:
• Is there a logical relationship between the query and the result?
• How likely is the user to be looking for this result given the query and the location intent?

For any Relevance Rating of Good or below, you must select the appropriate check box(es) to
indicate the reason(s)for demotion: User Intent and/or Distance/Prominence. If both reasons apply,
use both checkboxes.

Rating the Query-Level Navigational Result Question

Once you have identified user intent, you will need to answer a query-level question. You must decide
whether the intent is unique and clear enough that there is only a single (navigational) result in the
real world that could fully satisfy it.

You will answer this question before you rate any results, since you don’t need to know what the
results are in order to learn if there’s a real-world result that could fully satisfy the user’s intent:

• If there is a real-world navigational result for the query, 
answer Yes
• If there are no possible real-world navigational results for the query, 
answer No

A result name or title is in an expected language or script when it is:

• In the language/script of the test locale

• In the language/script of the query

• In a language/script of the result region

• Any combination of any of the languages or scripts described above

• An official company, chain, or brand name commonly used in the market, even if this is not
any of the languages or scripts described above

When all or part of a result name or title is in an unexpected language or script, users will not
understand it. 
In these cases, select the Result name/title is in unexpected language or script
checkbox. No further rating is required.


Generally, the farther away the result is from the area of expected results, the less desirable it
This is especially true for queries highly driven by distance to the user/viewport, such as
chain businesses, hospitals, pharmacies, or grocery stores.

Because the user can be offered many possible results that are all very similar, the closest entities
providing the expected service can be considered the best options. 

Results which are farther away
are less relevant and should be demoted according to their additional distance. Defining what is close
and what is far depends on the context of each individual query. Factors affecting distance include:

• Number of possible results in the real world
• Distribution of all possible results
• Population density (rural, urban, or suburban)

Distance refers to the direct distance from one point to another and is measured via a straight line.
There is no need to account for the actual distance required to travel from one point to the other, such
as driving distance.

Pin Accuracy

For each result returned, you will find a pin on the map. Rate the accuracy of each pin’s placement
using this scale:

• Perfect
• Approximate
• Next Door
• Wrong
• Can’t Verify

The pin should be a reflection of the result: The location represented by the pin should reflect the
result. Pin ratings should be evaluated individually and not influenced by address or other data. 

A pin can be correct when other rating components are rated wrong

Missing Pins
If a pin for a result does not appear on a map, rate the pin Wrong. If this happens five or more
times in a row, release the task for technical reasons and explain why in the comments box.




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  1. Please give me milkyway simulator questions was changed please give me answers

    1. Yes please upload the latest ones currently it is of 2023

    2. We don't have latest answer of this project, sorry buddy

  2. Sir I’m going to give test first time in this, first time test Kya hoga sir pls guide, what and where to prepare for this test

  3. they will guide you on skype. make sure you have already mentioned your live id in your profile id.


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